Hello null null! 

  • Users of Update Family, updatefamily.com, HOI, LLC and related services agree to the following:
  • Will not record, duplicate or share in written verbal or other fashions information discovered within or through our services without the explicit consent of the person it pertains to, or explicit consent of the person(s) with legal authority to make decisions on said person’s behalf.
  • Facilities are responsible for getting the consent of the person, legal power of attorney, or legal guardian of the person prior to registering the person to Update Family or posting information pertaining to them.
  • Facilities are responsible and obligated to remove the registration of a person at the request of the person or their legal representative.
  • Having a family member registered to Update Family or adding a family member to your list does not guarantee the use of services by facility, posting of updates, or addressing comments or questions posted to providers.

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